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Frequently Asked Questions about X-SetupGeneral
Q: I have another tweaking utility. Do I need to uninstall it before installing or using X-Setup? A: No, X-Setup does not interfere with any other "tweaker" programs. However, X-Setup eats all other tweakers for lunch so you probably won't need anything besides X-Setup ;-). X-Setup includes almost all the tweaks of most other system tweaking applications combined - and then some. :)
A: No, due to technical problems. But you can view http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q152/1/04.asp?FR=0 where a detailed description of how to accomplish this is available. Thanks to Jon Scott [jscott@bellsouth.net] for this tip.
A: Check "Appearance" -> "Start menu" -> "Visible Items" -> "Visible Items in Start->Settings". Disabling an item in the Start menu also disables the option elsewhere in Windows.
NO. Just installing X-Setup does NOT change anything on your system. Also, clicking on the a plug-in in the left pane of X-Setup does still not change anything. There are only two situations when changes are made: a) when you click the "Apply" button b) when you use a wizard because a wizard automatically commits your changes. If you want to know what changes were made and when, have a look at the Logfile X-Setup keeps; for details about this, see the Extra Menu topic.
Inside X-Setup, go to System -> File System -> Folders: Data -> General Folders and change the item "Program Data" to your AppData folder. Normally, this folder is located at "C:\WINDOWS\APPLICATION DATA". Please check if this folder exists BEFORE you change it. You should normally find a least one folder in it, called "Microsoft".
Q: Can you create a plug-in that can tweak MTU values? A: No, changes to these settings can hang your internet connection totally so you can't even contact Xteq Systems if you have a problem. These settings are too dangerous and we won't include them in X-Setup. However, some other authors might decide to create plug-ins for this, have a look at X-Update to see if any appear. AXCEL216 provides excellent details about how to tweak MTU and many other great settings on his website at http://user.aol.com/axcel216/.
A: No, it's a feature! Because some plug-in might take really long to load, we have decided not to load a plug-in if you have activate it but when you hit ENTER. This way, navigating is fast and you can decide when to load a plug-in. You can also use F8 to move down and CTRL and F8 to move up - using these keys does load each highlighted plug-in.
Q: Can I create my own plug-ins for X-Setup? A: Certainly! You can use any text editor, even Windows Notepad, to author or edit your plug-ins to suit your needs. We also have a free X-Setup SDK available for download on the Xteq Systems website at http://www.xteq.com/ which you can download to help you create your plug-ins and wizards. If you like, you can send your plug-ins to info@xteq.com, and we may feature them on our website and in X-Update.
Q: Why are certain options grayed out on my system? A: This is normal, and simply means that your computer probably does not have the software or hardware the plug-ins or wizards would change options for. If you like, you can use the Options dialog to hide plug-ins which aren't designed for your Operating System, for more information about this, see the Options dialog topic. If a plug-in or wizard is disabled and you think it should be enabled (for example, you Video Card has a Voodoo Banshee chip but the Voodoo Banshee plug-in is disabled), please email us at info@xteq.com, stating the name of the plug-in and some technical information about your computer. We can then alter the plug-in so that it work on your (and other people's) computers.
Q: How can I get more information about specific plug-ins? A: While the plug-in is open, click on the blue 'i' icon on the Toolbar. This will open the Plug-in Information dialog, which gives information about the Author, and where you should go if you have problems with the plug-in. You can also open this dialog by using the Context Menu.
Q: I know of a good idea for a new plug-in. What should I do? A: You have two options:
A: Delete the file XQXSetup.CPL in your \windows\system or \winnt\system32 folder.
Q: I would like to change the name (text) of the Start button. How? A: This is not possible with X-Setup because it would require us to change some core Windows DLL/EXE files. This is something we will never do! However, EppieDesktop can be used to do this; it's available at http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jepstein/epdsk/.
Q: I no longer can shut down my computer from the Start Menu. A: Please visit our Document Center online and read about possible fixes for this problem. This is not an X-Setup bug, but one caused by Windows itself, Microsoft has issued a patch to correct this though it does not work on all systems. If you continue to have shutdown problems, please contact Microsoft Technical Support.
Q: What browsers does X-Setup have plug-ins for? A: So far we have plug-ins that support Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, NeoPlanet and. You will find options for these under the "Internet" tree in the Plug-in Interface, or under "Web Browsers" in the Wizard interface. If you have any suggestions for plug-ins from these or other browsers, then please contact info@xteq.com, giving us as much information as possible.
Q: Why isn't my Instant Messaging program supported in X-Setup? A: We have included plug-ins that let you adjust many options of the most popular Instant Messaging programs. However, if you know of any options for these or other Instant Messaging programs, then please contact info@xteq.com, giving us as much information as possible about the option that should be changed.
Q: Why aren't there any plug-ins for my video card in X-Setup? A: The reason for this is that we only have certain video boards available for us to test plug-ins on. Each video card requires different settings to tweak it or to adjust its settings. If you have a popular video card and there are features which can be changed in the registry, .INI files, or AUTOEXEC.BAT settings or features which aren't changeable in the normal user interface, then if you e-mail info@xteq.com with the details, including video card name, manufacturer, their website address, the operating system the settings are for, where the settings are changed and what they do, what the default values are and other options for those items, we may include plug-ins in future versions that support your video card. We aren't interested in overclocking settings because we consider them too dangerous.
Q: I have a video card which is supported by X-Setup, but the plug-in is disabled. What should I do? A: If a video card plug-in or wizard is disabled and you think it should be enabled (for example, you Video Card has a Voodoo Banshee chip but the Voodoo Banshee plug-in is disabled), please email us at info@xteq.com, stating the name of the plug-in and some technical information about your computer. We can then alter the plug-in so that it work on your (and other people's) computers.
Q: Is there a place I can talk to others about X-Setup? A: Currently there is no official place for X-Setup users to exchange information, but there are several options:
Q: Does X-Setup have built-in password protection? A: No, Xteq Systems has not included this type of feature because of potential issues with lost passwords, or with malacious crackers breaking the codes. We recommend that if security is an issue, you look into purchasing third-party security applications or move to the Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 platform as they offer better security features than those found in Windows 95, 98 and Me.
Q: Is it possible to have all my changes made with X-Setup reverted in one step? A: No, since there are possible actions inside the plug-in that can not be recorded, monitored etc. However, you can have a look at the X-Setup Logfile, which keeps a log of all the changes you make with X-Setup. For more information about this, see the Extra Menu topic.
A: Due to a mysterious Windows side-effect, hiding drives in Windows Explorer also disables the 'Open' and 'Explore' items on the Context Menu which appears when you right-click the Start button. To re-enable these two options, in the Default UI go to Appearance > Files&Folders > Drives in X-Setup and open the Show/Hide drives plug-in; now place a tick besides all the drives and click on Apply Changes. In Wizard Mode, use the Windows Explorer Wizard in the Appearance section. Currently there is no way of fixing this problem without showing all drives in Explorer.
A: This is a Windows bug that Microsoft refuses to acknoweldge, and it can be caused by a whole variety of different problems. We aren't exactly sure what part of X-Setup is respnsible for this. Fixing this problem is not easy either, there are at least 7 solutions which may or may not work in every case. Xteq Systems recommends that you visit http://www.annoyances.org/cgi-bin/ce-showtopic/006_004 - this details some of the solutions. If you are still having problems, please visit the X-Setup support forum.
A: In Windows 95/98/Me, the Add/Remove Hardware applet is attached to the System applet, so hiding the System applet also hides the Add/Remove Hardware applet. Therefore, re-enabling the System applet will re-enable the Add/Remove Hardware applet. Note: this does npt apply to Windows NT/2000 - the Add/Remove Hardware applet is separate.
Q: Why can't I disable all of the items on my Start Menu? A: You can only disable the 'Documents' menu if you have Windows 98/2000/Me, or have installed Internet Explorer 4.x with the Windows Desktop Update. You can only disable 'Help' if you have Windows 2000 or Me. This is because Microsoft didn't add the capabilities to disable these options in the original release. Copyright © Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved. |